Interview How we started
Mosaic Life Fellowship began in Greenbrier, TN on a crisp October night in 2013, when a small group gathered for Bible studies at Ron Smiley's home, co-taught by Brandon Powell. These gatherings evolved into weekly church services where they worshipped through music, shared communion, and studied God's word. Inspired by the enthusiasm within their group, they named their gathering "Porch Light," symbolizing their desire to welcome all and be a beacon of Jesus' light in the community.
As the group grew, they quickly outgrew the space in Smiley's living room and transitioned to an established church storefront in the Madison/Goodlettsville TN area for Sunday evening services. Here, they announced their intention to study Scripture from a Hebraic perspective, sparking excitement and fostering spiritual and numerical growth. Eventually, they officially changed their name to Mosaic Life Fellowship and established themselves as a Hebraic Roots congregation. After several months of meetings, they decided to shift their gathering day to Saturday.
1)(Brandon, Ron) can I get feedback from both of you,I was just wondering, when did you know that God had called you to ministry?
(Brandon) I guess I will start. My calling to be a teaching pastor/shepherd was, for a long time, more evident to other people than it was to myself. From about age 15 on, I was actively going to church, and after attending a retreat for youth, began serving and worshiping Him on a much deeper level.
I was a part of the worship team at the church I was attending and began teaching youth in return trips to this retreat. That period of time, I know, was crucial in God preparing me to lead.
Through the rest of my teenage years, He kept placing me in situations where I was teaching and able to mentor others. In my early 20s, I began leading a Bible study and among friends, really settled into my call, which was teaching. All the while, I was adamant about not being a pastor. The idea of it scared me for a long time, and for much of my youth, I ran from it; that is, until, I got married. One night my wife and I were heading to bed and I just felt distraught. At this point, the Bible study I was leading was somewhat dissolved because many of us went off to college.
Moreover, I was having trouble at my job, and knew that wasn't the career for me. After praying together, and telling her how I felt, she looked at me and simply said, "You know you're supposed to be a pastor, right?" From there, a phone call to my longtime friend and co-pastor Ron Smiley established my future roll as a pastor and co-founder of Mosaic Life Fellowship.
(Ron) Well, I guess from a teenager I understood that I was called to ministry.
I never had what some would call an “ah-ha” moment or anything like that. I just knew from the great satisfaction I received from serving the Lord, I wanted to serve him more.
I Watched people as they grew in their spiritual walk and saw lives
healed through the power of God’s love, this excited me.
I knew I had to be a part of that kind of love.
The concept of becoming a pastor did not come till later.
I grew up at a large congregation, (2000+ members), so my spiritual
heroes were men that had positions in the church, but where more
behind the scene.
I saw these men pray, care for and love people and make a real
difference in the lives of others. I learned from these men that I could
make a difference just by caring. Care a little and much good would
be done. Care a lot and great things will be accomplished; add God
to the mix and stand back. I see myself more as a teacher and mentor
rather than what the mainstream church has produced as a Pastor. None of us are icons and it is the whole congregation’s job to reach out to each other, pray and care for one another. Through the search for a real authentic honest approach to God, Mosaic Life Fellowship was born and we are continuing to evolve into the church God desires.
2) So I am interested in hearing “What was your churches’ denomination before you headed toward a Hebraic point of view and how does a congregation go from a ‘main stream’ thinking church to a Hebraic Roots congregation?
(Brandon) That's difficult question to answer, I think. In our initial talks about what we were, when we started meeting together, there wasn't really a consensus on a title.
(Ron) No, in fact, I think we were trying to stay away from denominational pulls.
(Brandon) The best we could do in identifying ourselves was saying we wanted to be genuine. In regards to changing our thinking, Yahweh was in control of that. Yeshua calls us to follow Him, not a denomination's doctrine.
But despite the fact that we were learning Torah and becoming a Hebraic Root congregation, our goal never changed. We wanted to be real.
(Ron), The only thing I could add to that is in order to study scripture in its purest form we had to change our way of thinking from a Western Hellenistic Greek mind set to an Eastern Hebraic way of thinking. We also continue in the knowledge that our mind set must be that of Christ.
3) Your congregation seems very free to comment on sermons and lessons as they are presented. How does that affect the flow of service? Do you see that changing as you grow numerically?
(Brandon) Most teachers would worry about the flow of a service being interrupted, but that's the way we've always done things. From the very beginning, no matter who was teaching, it was important to us to learn from one another through discussion.
We all have something to bring to the table and we think that everyone should have the opportunity to be heard. As we grow, the hope is that we can maintain discussion sessions through smaller groups within the congregation.
4) What is your vision in terms of seeing people engaged? I understand you both are not just about increased attendance, but what other things do you want to see people involved in?
(Brandon)We want to equip our congregation to not only take the knowledge of the Torah with them, but to "be Torah" as Yeshua was. Being engaged would mean several things: participating in discussions, giving Torah portions, and serving the congregation as God has gifted them. By doing this, we also pray that this will give them the confidence to exercise their faith outside of the fellowship.
(Ron) Brandon you are so right. We have been very excited to see people pick up their Bibles and become engaged in the study of God’s word. Many have said the scripture is coming alive for the first time in their life. We are starting to see Hebrews 4:12 come alive.
(For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.)
5) So you started from a home church. I was wondering, do you have any outside support? Most church starts have a founding “parent” church to help with start up cost.
(Brandon) Up until the point that we got too large to meet in a home anymore, we really didn't have the support of a parent congregation.
Just before we became a Messianic congregation, we were allowed to meet in another church's building, which we were extremely grateful for. Even as we progressed in the Hebraic roots movement, cost wasn't an issue. But we are glad to have been surrounded by support and prayer from other Messianic congregations in the area.
(Ron) We really are self supporting. So far the cost has been minimal. We do see in the future a possible need for a spiritual covering or maybe we will grow and we can be a support for other fellowshipping congregations.
6) I want to hear a little bit more about redefining church with MLF. What are some of your perspectives that have changed since Home church, Porch Light and now Mosaic Life Fellowship?
(Ron)Redefining church is an interesting question. Mosaic Life Fellowship is a gathering place for believers in Messiah who are awakening to the Hebraic roots of their faith. We started seeking truth and still are seeking truth in love. We now have a place for these people to worship and grow in understanding and faith and we continue to grow.
(Brandon) I think the main thing we wanted to do was getting back to
understanding the foundation of our faith in Yeshua. He was, without a
doubt, a Jew. Our claim of seeking to follow Him and be His disciples
is what we are all about. He taught God's word, the Torah, which we all
previously thought was of no effect. Many of us would have said the
Law was done away with. But in seeing and better understanding what
Yeshua taught and who He was, we came to realize the significance
of the Torah to our lives as to really becoming a disciple.
(Ron) We believe the complete Bible, from Genesis to Revelation,
Old Testament to New Testament is the inspired, infallible, Word of God. It is this authority we hold to be doctrinal truth and shows us the proper way to live, worship and obey Yahweh (God), (Jesus) Yeshua, as our Lord and (Holy Spirit) Ruach HaKodesh guides us. We teach and assemble under these truths.